Track your evolving system, and reconnect with parts after sessions with therapy recaps written by your personal companion.
Invite Your Companion.
Connect with Your Session., a foundation and venture fund, is dedicated to advancing human consciousness, alleviating inner suffering, and supporting individuals on their personal and spiritual growth journeys.
IFS has been instrumental to the personal transformation of our team, and we deeply believe in its potential to support the evolution of consciousness.
IFS Companion (currently in beta) is being carefully developed with input from leading IFS practitioners, trainers, and renown speakers and authors. Our rigorous testing process ensures accurate recognition of IFS elements—like parts, blending, and Self—all while acknowledging the subjective and evolving nature of the inner world, and giving clients and practitioners tools to modify the notes as they see fit.
We hope that IFS Companion supports your journey and that your happiness, ease, and self-energy grow each day.
IFS practitioners, clinicians, and trainers involved research and development
IFS practitioners, clinicians, and trainers involved research and development
IFS practitioners, clinicians, and trainers involved research and development
Current or former IFS lead trainers advising and consulting on the project
Current or former IFS lead trainers advising and consulting on the project
Current or former IFS lead trainers advising and consulting on the project
Developed for public benefit. Free for clients and practitioners while in beta
Developed for public benefit. Free for clients and practitioners while in beta
Developed for public benefit. Free for clients and practitioners while in beta